Vintage Personalities Photos

A gallery of vintage photos of drivers and other WA racing personalities from times past
(scrounged from wherever I can find them. If you're a vintage driver and have a good portrait photo of yourself in the day,
email it to me and you'll be added.)

Red indicates July-September 2013

Noel Aldous

Sydney Anderson

Eric Armstrong
Jack Ayres
Aub Badger
Neil Baird
Alf Barbagallo
Lionel Beattie
Bob Biltoft
Dick Blythe
Peter Bond
Ruth Bray
Frank Brennan
Murray Charnley
George Cole
Arthur Collett
Arthur "Pud" Collins
Neville Cooper
Arthur Colliver
Julian Cowan
"Ossie" Cranston
Bob Creasy
Chris Cunnold
Rod Donovan
Bill Downey
Merv Dudley
Jeff Dunkerton
Clem Dwyer
Clem Dyer
Dan Elliott
Eric Fennell
Mike Flower
Jaime Gard
Mick Geneve
Peter Gidman
Claude Giorgi
Gary Gosatti
Doug Green
Don Hall
Harley Hammond
Jim Harwood
Wally Higgs
Patsy Hills
Trevor Hine
Graeme Hooley
Tony Houghton
Rod Housego
Tim Howton
Bob Ilich
Paul Kelley
Norm Kestel
Fritz Kohout
Stuart Kostera
Bob Lee
Ron Lindau
Craig Marsland
Lynn Matthews
Maurie Maurice
Aub Melrose
Alan McCarthy
Brian Muhling
Christian Murchison
Bruce Mutton
Syd Negus
Wayne Negus
Jack Nelson
Geoff Nicol
Duncan Ord
Don O'Sullivan
Barry Ranford
Don Reimann
Eddie Resera
Brian Rhodes
Alex Rorrison
Chris Royston
Jim Runciman
Howie Sangster
Tim Slako
Bill Smallwood
Brian Smith
Vin Smith
Gordon Stephenson
Garry Stewart
Dave Sullivan
Dave Sullivan Jr
Garth Tander
Murray Thomas
Mike Tighe
Alan Tomlinson
Sid Taylor
George Wakelin
Rod Waller
Dick Ward
Bill Wearne
Dean Williams
Bernie Zampatti
Ross Zampatti